What Happens if a 2 Month Old Puppy Bites

What Happens if a 2 Month Old Puppy Bites?

So, what happens if a 2 month old puppy bites? Well, first of all, you cannot expect a 2-month-old puppy to stay put and well-behaved like a trained adult dog! Puppies are no different than human babies, and they are still exploring the world and will chew on everything they can find. And the puppy is more likely to play-bite.

Getting bitten by a 2-month-old puppy is rarely an issue. Rabies in dogs is found in their saliva only 4 to 5 months after birth. Unless your pup has been in contact with a stray dog or its mother has rabies, you don’t have to worry at all.

If the bite is not severe, then you can just wash it off properly. However, if the bite is deep, then go for T.T (Tetanus Toxoid) vaccine. In worse cases, if your pup has been in contact with a stray dog, then consult a doctor.

There are many reasons why puppies tend to bite often. Read along to find out!

Why Do Puppies Bite?

Is It Normal for 2-Month-Old Puppies to Bite

These four-legged babies express themselves through their behaviors and actions. If you genuinely love your puppy, then you should try to understand certain behaviors of theirs.

As mentioned above, these pups are just exploring the world. They will chew and bite on everything they see, including their owners! When a pup is 2 months old, it’s during this time they grow their adult teeth which encourages them to chew on more. Go to the nearest pet store and bring home some chew toys. Your puppy will chew on that instead.

It is also the time to train whenever you see your puppy biting on stuff or your fingers. If it bites on your fingers or other valuables, immediately stop them. Take the stuff away or make a loud noise to make them understand that it is wrong. Dogs are intelligent animals, so they will behave if you train them well.

Should You Be Concerned?

It’s very rare for a human to get rabies after a bite from a 2-month-old puppy. The point is that you don’t need to worry if your puppy bites you. You really need to understand how puppies behave. They are in their teething period when they are of 2 months, so they will try to bite and chew everything they see or find.

If at all you should be concerned, be worried if the puppy has been in contact with other rabid animals. If so, you should consult a doctor and get treatment immediately. But if you aren’t sure about your puppy’s interactions or whereabouts, you can keep an eye on the puppy for 10 days. If it shows symptoms of rabies, then immediately go to the doctor. If not, there is no need to stress out and worry.

What to Avoid

It might be annoying when your puppy starts biting and chewing. But let’s not forget that they are also just growing like a normal human baby. You can train them, do everything that’ll make them stop biting on stuff they see. But there are certain things that you should avoid during this period.

  • Never use violence on your puppy. It might stop your puppy from biting on stuff, but it might ruin its mental health. Your puppy will never be the happy, energetic, and active dog it used to be.
  • Never use your hand while playing with your puppy. If you want your puppy’s biting habit to stop, give him chew toys instead.
  • Never use physical violence on your puppy. Remember, at the end of the day, they are also an animal, and with their inability to think, they will bite to protect themselves.

What Should Be Done?

When answering what happens if a 2-month-old puppy bites, there is this fear of whether the pup has rabies or should you be worried. There is also frustration about what to do to keep him from biting. So there are two ways of what should be done after a puppy bites.

  • If the bite is just on the skin and is not deep, wash the area that is bitten with water and soap. You can also go for a T.T vaccine to be on the safe side.
  • If the bite is deep, then follow the first-aid steps and consult a doctor.
  • It is always wiser to wait for 10 days and see if the dog has any rabies-related reactions. If so, consult the doctor immediately.

Now, what should be done to keep the puppy from biting? Follow these rules:

  • If your puppy tries to bite you or anything they find, take away the stuff immediately or pull your hands away. Give them a chew toy immediately on the spot.
  • Make a loud sound the moment your puppy bites you or any stuff.
  • Do not excite your dog more when they come and bite you playfully. Refrain yourself during this time.

Keep This in Mind

Of course, you need to take some steps to break your puppy’s habit of biting. But that also doesn’t mean that you ought to be strict and stern all the time. No!

Remember, your puppy is just going through a natural phase! It’s normal for all puppies to behave this way when they’re 2-3 months old.

  • Cannot stress this enough, No Violence, please!
  • Do not expect your puppy to stop biting and chewing after a few pieces of training completely. Remember, unless and until their teething phase passes, the habit will not stop.

Is It Normal for 2-Month-Old Puppies to Bite?

If we’re talking about 2-month-old puppies, then it’s safe to say that it’s normal for them to bite. They go through the teething phase during this month, and besides, it is during this time their exploring sense reaches max. They will chew and bite through everything they see.

However, with that having said, not all pups are the same. Some puppies might behave this way due to fear, frustration, or other mental health issues. Their body language plays a huge role too in determining whether their bite is a red flag or not.

For example, if your puppy wiggles its tail and playfully bites you, then there’s not much to worry about. But, if your puppy bites you in fear or anger, then it’s a matter of concern. However, it’s rare for 2-month-old puppies to bite in anger. Also, they will not bite unless you do something that is uncomfortable to them.

Note– If your puppy is growling or snarling it is safer for you not to go near.

How to Train Your Puppy

All dog lovers have come across this phase where the puppy goes crazy and goes on biting and chewing stuff. This phase goes on for a few months, and it eventually stops. However, it is essential to know how to discipline a puppy. If you don’t discipline your puppy, it might behave the same even after it grows to be an adult dog.

Puppies that are 2 months old usually do not bite out of anger or frustration. They bite just to get your attention and to play. Disciplining your puppy the right way will go a long way. If you have had dogs previously, then you know what that means.

These are some rules that you must follow. Likewise, train your puppy to follow these rules, and you will have a behaved dog in less time.

  • Play with your puppy, but do not cross the limit.
  • Make the puppy understand what stuff belongs to him and what doesn’t.
  • Give your puppy chew toys during this phase.
  • Never use your hands while playing with your pup.
  • Do not use physical violence when training or disciplining your puppy.
  • Start training your puppy early.
  • Make sure you teach your puppy the basic commands.
  • Make sure you maintain a daily routine of your puppy; time for food, play, walk, training, etc.
What Happens if a 2 Month Old Puppy Bites


If you really want to keep a dog and take care of it, then the first thing you must do is educate yourself. In simple words, you should know the basic things like why does it behave that way or how to train them? If you are a person who doesn’t know what to do if a 2-month-old puppy bites, then you probably have less knowledge about dogs.

But guess what? You have all the answers now! Once you start following these steps, training your puppy will not be as challenging as you think. Often people tend to take bites from puppies too seriously, and of course, they should be concerned. But if you have some knowledge of puppies or dogs in general, you know what to do next instead of worrying.

As much as you like to spoil your puppies, train them and discipline them. Unless it has some serious problems, no puppy has ever misbehaved after getting good training!

Some of My Favorite Products For Dog Owners

I hope this article has helped you just a bit in everyday life as a dog owner. Being a dog owner for more than 25 years, I’ve tried many different products with varying success, but these products below are some that I can highly recommend to every dog and their owner without hesitation!

These links are affiliate links, so if you do end up using the links, I will earn a commission. But it’s products that I use daily myself, and I have the utmost praise for.

Dog Food: Every dog needs to eat correctly, and finding the best food for your dog can be challenging, as the market is absolutely flooded with products. But since 2015 when the company was founded, I’ve been using Ollie Petfood. With their product being tailor-made to suit every dog’s specific needs, and as my dogs love the product, I’m pretty sure I’ve found a product I will continue to use for many years more. If you use my link you can get 50% off your first order.

Dog Training: If you’ve ever owned a puppy, you know that it requires a lot of training to grow into a well-behaved adult. Brain Training for Dogs has helped me immensely with the mental training part of raising a dog, and it’s something I strongly recommend you consider.

Grooming: If you have a dog in your home, you’re going to need a brush, and for this, I recommend a Hertzko Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush. For that price, you simply can’t beat this brush for everyday grooming.

If you’re looking for the most up-to-date recommendations, check out my recommended products section that I’ve created to help every dog owner!