Line Breeding Dogs

Line Breeding Dogs – How Close is Too Close?

Humans have a long history of breeding dogs with specific traits and for definite purposes. Today, the desire to sustain purebreds and retain particular traits has led to excessive inbreeding. Fortunately, line breeding in dogs may offer a healthier alternative for our canine companions and their owners.

However, the thin line that separates inbreeding dogs and line breeding dogs can be confusing. What degree of inbreeding qualifies as line breeding? Is it any safer or more reliable than conventional breeding?

Discover below how line breeding works, the science that makes it tick, and the elusive answer to finding the right balance between genetic similarity and healthy diversity.

What is a Line Bred Dog?

Why is Line Breeding in Dogs Encouraged
Is Line Breeding The Same As Inbreeding

A line-bred dog is a dog born from parents whose pedigrees can be traced back to a common ancestor that exhibited desirable traits for the breeder. It’s a practice that seeks to retain the preferred qualities of the common ancestor while avoiding the abnormal traits that often come from breeding closely related dogs.

Celebrated genetics experts like Jay Lawrence Lush maintained that line breeding dogs are more likely to inherit the ancestor’s preferred traits compared to unregulated breeding or immediate inbreeding.

Why is Line Breeding in Dogs Encouraged?

Efforts to draw out the best traits in dogs through regulated breeding is not a new phenomenon. Creating new breeds through selective mating has been so successful that the World Canine Organization (or FCI), today, recognizes over 350 unique breeds.

However, regardless of the number of officially recognized breeds and a myriad of countless crossbreeds, all dogs still belong to the same species.

The diverse dog breeds seen today reveal how a wide range of variations may appear in descendants despite sharing common ancestry. Take the Bedlington terrier, for instance. You could easily confuse this fluffy watchdog for a gentle lamb. On the other hand, the Siberian Husky retains its progenitor, the gray wolf’s powerful air and pack mentality.

Although these two canine breeds appear as distant as prey and predator, they’re both the same species. They exist as results of multiple generations of selective breeding aimed at combining desirable qualities of certain breeds into one breed.

This advantage of creating breeds with specific sets of desirable traits is the primary reason why seasoned breeders perform line breeding in dogs.

Is Line Breeding The Same As Inbreeding?

Line breeding isn’t the same as inbreeding. Although we can consider line breeding in dogs as an inbreeding exercise, there is a clear difference between the two.

Understanding Inbreeding in Dogs

Inbreeding is, essentially, the process of reproduction between closely related members of the same family of dogs. It creates more genetic similarity within the members of the selected group. The advantage is that the puppies will most likely develop physical characteristics or behavioral traits already present in the parent dogs.

So, you get a predictable set of qualities for any offspring that’s born out of inbred parents. However, the risk of abnormal traits also increases as inbreeding continues.

For instance, an extreme level of inbreeding could be a cross between first-degree relatives. Here, the first-degree association is the relationship between a dog and its immediate ‘family.’ So, if the dog reproduced with a direct sibling (another offspring of the same parents) or with one of the parents, that would imply inbreeding in its total sense.

Even with second-degree connections (Eg. Parents of the mating dogs are siblings), there’s still a high risk of genetic similarities causing deficiencies in the puppies.

The closer the relationship between the mating pair, the higher the risk for genetic abnormalities. So, unregulated inbreeding can lead to a variety of problems in your dogs. These issues can include metabolic problems, immunity deficiencies, reduced vitality, shorter life spans, etc.

Understanding Line Breeding in Dogs

Line breeding is also a subset of inbreeding but with specific conditions that separate it from all-out inbreeding.

You can trace the lineage of line breeding dogs to a common ancestor. However, the generations between the ancestor and the mating dogs are distant enough to avoid dangerous genetic similarities. At the same time, their genetic link to the ancestor is still close enough to inherit the desired qualities.

So, line breeders will prevent incestuous mating between canines with immediate relations. This regulated approach that, in a way, grabs the best of both worlds is what separates line breeding dogs from run-off-the-mill inbreeding dogs.

What is an Example of Line Breeding?

The ideal example of line breeding in dogs is when the mutual ancestor is more than a few generations away from both the current sire (dog) and dam (bitch). The distance in relation, however, should not exceed levels where the effective transfer of traits and qualities is most successful.

A real-world instance of efficient line breeding appears in the story of a lovable flat-coated retriever named Shargleam Blackcap. Owned and handled by Mrs. Pat Chapman, this handsome retriever reportedly sired (fathered) more than 250 puppies spread across almost 50 different litters.

Blackcap’s pedigree is so imposing that any flat-coated retriever of significance today is probably one of his descendants. At least it’s the case for Vbos The Kentuckian, a flat-coated retriever who won the Best in Show title at the prestigious Crufts competition in 2011. Another dog of the same breed named Almana Backseat Driver, who won the 2022 edition, comes from the same lineage.

Both these flat-coated retrievers can trace back their pedigree to Shargleam Blackcap on their sire’s (father) and dam’s (mother) side over five generations.

These instances are exemplary cases of successful line breeding in dogs. In both cases, the lineage of the two dogs on both their sire and dam sides goes back five generations to Blackcap (the common ancestor). The result is that they preserve both the sporting traits and the trainability of their progenitor (Blackcap), without developing any genetic obstacles to development and performance.

What is the Best Way to Line Breed?

What is an Example of Line Breeding
What is the Best Way to Line Breed

The best way to line breed is to create an informed approach that reveals how likely the preferred traits will appear in the offspring while minimizing the risks of physical disorders.

The Two Main Elements of Successful Line Breeding

Any attempt at line breeding invariably involves juggling two aspects of the breeding process. One is the positive effects which include uniformity across puppies and retention of desirable traits. The second element is the negative effects, which appear as reproductive deficiencies or reduced vitality in the offspring.

Both these conditions come from the similarity in genetic material inherited by the puppy from its common ancestor (for both the sire and dam). The more diversity in pedigree or generational distance you create, the less you’ll see of both these effects.

So, a puppy may face minimal risk of negative conditions owing to genetic differences in both parents. But that will also mean that the litter will show little homogeneity in terms of their temperament, physical characteristics, and overall fitness. That beats the whole point of line breeding because there’s no common ancestor whose dominant traits manifest in the offspring.

On the other extreme, excessive inbreeding will lead to a higher risk of congenital disorders in the litters. That’s because the common ancestor is too closely related to both parents. Here, the similarities in the gene pool increase the likelihood of harmful mutations appearing in the litter. In this instance, uniformity is achieved but one that is not desirable or hoped for.

So, the best line breeding technique is one that can strike the appropriate balance between these two positive and negative effects of sharing an ancestor. That’s where a concept called the ‘coefficients of inbreeding,’ and its associated studies step in to help the breeder.

The Coefficients of Inbreeding (COI)

The original ‘Coefficients of Inbreeding and Relationship’ was a seminal paper written and presented by the American evolutionary geneticist Sewall Wright. This paper explored empirical ways of understanding the potential positive and negative effects of breeding with mutual ancestry.

The study allowed scientists and breeders to quantify what was likely in inbred offspring. As a statistical estimate, it could put both the benefits of uniformity and the risks of deformity into a percentage. So, owners, breeders, and trainers could use this value to refine their line breeding in dogs of their choice.

The inbreeding coefficient will express (in percentage) an estimated prediction of how uniform the puppies’ traits may be in relation to their ancestor. The same percentage will also reveal how likely they are to suffer deficiencies and abnormalities. This value, essentially, attempts to answer the question, ‘How close is too close?’ when it comes to controlled inbreeding.

The standard value for a healthy inbreeding coefficient usually hovers around 5% or less. At this value, the ancestor’s and pedigree’s uniform traits are most likely to remain in the offspring without risking deformities from too much similarity. So, the best way to line breed would be to find the most reliable estimate for your breed and begin working within this restriction.

However, breeders should not confuse the common standard COI value of 5% as a universal law. After all, breeding is a complex biological process where countless small variations in an individual puppy can make a world of difference in traits and characteristics.

For reference, it may be helpful to know that a COI value of 6.25% is observed when the parents of the reproducing partners are siblings. In human terms, this is equivalent to reproduction between first cousins, which easily counts as incest and is prohibited in most cultures.

If the sire and dam share a parent (i.e., they’re half-siblings), then the COI increases to a dangerous 12.5%. These are COI levels that threaten the offspring with much higher risks of reproductive issues, reduction in vitality, and abnormal physical traits.

Despite the complications involved in making these estimates, the inbreeding coefficient remains the best way to regulate line breeding in dogs. It provides the boundaries that prevent the deformities common with inbreeding. Additionally, it suggests the optimum levels of ancestral connections that increase the likelihood of the puppies inheriting those desired traits.

What are the Benefits of Line Breeding Dogs?

Line breeding, if handled correctly, offers a wide range of upsides and benefits for both the dog and its owner.

Lower Risk of Fertility Problems

One of the most widely seen negative effects of inbreeding is the diminishing of reproductive functions in the offspring. The absence of genetic diversity created through excessive inbreeding can push the breed toward extinction.

That’s because further reproduction creates more deformities, and the cycle invariably goes on. A study on over a dozen Scottish breeds revealed that ten of them posed concerns in terms of breed preservation.

Successful line breeding in dogs can preserve the best traits without threatening their reproductive capabilities.

Continued Vitality

Another drawback of close inbreeding is that the resulting dogs may develop a sluggish and lethargic nature. Genetic similarities can often invite recessive genes that take away the dog’s energy and active nature. Line breeding dogs that retain their vitality go on to live fuller, happier, and much more satisfying lives.

Combination of Science with Traditional Breeding

Line breeding is arguably the most scientific approach to acceptable inbreeding. It utilizes reliable estimates of genetic behavior and recognition of inherited traits to create puppies that are healthy yet naturally bred. It’s a method that leverages the illumination of scientific evidence while still retaining the charm of traditional dog breeding practices.

Happier Owners

This one is not necessarily a benefit exclusive to line breeding dogs. Any dog will bring genuine joy and affection to a loving home. However, it’s no secret that owners and handlers often desire specific qualities in their dogs. These traits can get lost in between as generations of mating and reproducing dilute the gene pool.

The right line breeding method can help tweak the behavior, character, and nature of a particular breed and make them even more admirable. For owners of show dogs, the ability to predict these traits is even more crucial because trainability and adaptability are highly sought-after in the industry.

More Informed and Ethical Breeders

Modern society has commercialized every conceivable thing in the world, and pets are no exception. The problem arises when pets are bred, raised, and sold like mere commodities. A lot of times, the unethical aspect of this ‘industry’ appears in breeding.

Mass breeding, reckless inbreeding, inadequate care for puppies to cut costs, etc., are only a few of the unpleasant practices that take place.

Wholesome line breeding methods shift the focus back to the dog and its wellbeing. The objective returns to admirable traits and ensured the health of the litter.

These changes may indirectly encourage a more principled crop of breeders who treat their dogs and pups with affection, care, and the right attention.

Closing Note

Line Breeding Dogs
What are the Benefits of Line Breeding Dogs

Whether it’s a stellar show dog or a playful puppy, a flourishing breeding practice should ensure the dog’s health, well-being, and development of its best traits.

Although not a perfect science, line breeding in dogs undoubtedly stands out as the most viable approach for accomplishing all of these and much more.

Some of My Favorite Products For Dog Owners

I hope this article has helped you just a bit in everyday life as a dog owner. Being a dog owner for more than 25 years, I’ve tried many different products with varying success, but these products below are some that I can highly recommend to every dog and their owner without hesitation!

These links are affiliate links, so if you do end up using the links, I will earn a commission. But it’s products that I use daily myself, and I have the utmost praise for.

Dog Food: Every dog needs to eat correctly, and finding the best food for your dog can be challenging, as the market is absolutely flooded with products. But since 2015 when the company was founded, I’ve been using Ollie Petfood. With their product being tailor-made to suit every dog’s specific needs, and as my dogs love the product, I’m pretty sure I’ve found a product I will continue to use for many years more. If you use my link you can get 50% off your first order.

Dog Training: If you’ve ever owned a puppy, you know that it requires a lot of training to grow into a well-behaved adult. Brain Training for Dogs has helped me immensely with the mental training part of raising a dog, and it’s something I strongly recommend you consider.

Grooming: If you have a dog in your home, you’re going to need a brush, and for this, I recommend a Hertzko Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush. For that price, you simply can’t beat this brush for everyday grooming.

If you’re looking for the most up-to-date recommendations, check out my recommended products section that I’ve created to help every dog owner!