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7 Ways Dogs Can Help You Live To 100

There’s no denying that dog owners have a special bond with their furry companions. But did you know that this relationship could actually prolong your life? It’s true! Numerous studies have shown that dogs can significantly affect our physical and mental health in the short and long term. From reducing stress levels to increasing our overall fitness, dogs can help …

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6 Common Behaviors Of A Female Dog In Heat

We’ve always heard about male-dog parents worrying about their furry sons engaging in humping behavior, chasing cars, and soiling the house. But what about female dogs? Just like human females go through puberty, heat cycles and menopause, so do our female canine friends. Perhaps your furry princess is all grown up now. Or maybe she has started acting differently, and …

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How to Stop Dog From Eating Pine Cones in 6 Easy Steps

A dog may like to chew on pine cones, but eating them can actually be harmful. Pine cones are sharp and can cut the dog’s mouth and intestines. They can also cause blockages. Therefore, it is crucial to prevent your dog from eating pine cones at all.  Most of the time, dogs eat pine cones to prevent boredom. To stop …

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How Long Will My Dog Act Weird After Grooming?

While grooming is necessary for your dog, it will leave them in a bad mood. After grooming, some dogs become angry or aggressive, while others start acting weird. But how long should you expect your dog to act weird after grooming? After grooming, your pup may be confused or even act weird. This can last for a few days or …

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What Can I Give My Dog for Itching Over the Counter?

If your dog is continuously scratching itself, it might be struggling with itchy skin. This condition can be a result of an allergic reaction, skin infection, parasites, and flea infestation. Fortunately, there are plenty of options to treat itching skin in dogs. There are a variety of products that can help your dog relieve itching. One option is a Sulfodene …

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How To Discipline A Dog That Snaps At You

A dog that snaps at you is displaying possessive behavior. They believe someone is coming into their territory and are trying to defend it. As a dog owner, you should know the reason behind your dog’s territorial behavior so that you can correct your dog.  If your dog has started snapping at you, there are several things you can do …